For the sake of Allah

I had dinner with a friend today, and we discussed the idea of abandoning sins for the sake of Allah. She went on to tell me about what it actually meant to leave something for His sake alone. She continued to discuss the idea of leaving something for the sake of Allah. And not allowing yourself to be consumed by it, and not continuously making du’aa for it.

I remember being in a relationship that was on again, off again – and this relationship was something i really wanted to succeed in. So, what does my relationship history have to do with leaving sins or aspects of your life for the sake of Allah- in pursuit of something better. Well, this relationship wasn’t spiritually healthy for both parties and i truly believe we continued to part ways because of it. But being the hopeless romantic that I am, I didn’t stop making du’aa for the success of that relationship. And i thought that was completely okay, until today.

Again, to leave something for the sake of Allah- is to completely abandon it, rectify your affairs, and to move forward. Allowing better things to come forward, and leaving what was maybe never meant to be in the past.

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